The project aims to develop missing digital competences of adults (Adult Education AE with a special focus in so-called ”digital immigrants” which are people disadvantaged in society due to their lack of digital competences DC and therefore count to minor educated people in DC) and to enable them to take an active role in the digital society.


The objectives are to create, implement and evaluate 15 modules teaching various specific topics related to everyday life covering DCs as a “Digital Immigrants Survival Kit” (DISK), to use flipped learning 3.0 as the training approach, to create an innovative self-evaluation tool based on competency-based self-evaluation mandalas, to create a transferability and implementation guide, to transfer the results and outcomes in a flexible way in other European countries and finally to publish the modules of the DISK Toolkit as Open Educational Resources (OER).

Partners in the project

Project data

Start: November 1st, 2019
End: October 31st, 2021
Project number: 2019-1-PT01-KA204-060898
Responsible contact: Peter Mazohl
Webpage: ttps://


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