Blended Learning is a technology-enhanced way of teaching and learning. Technology plays a big role in two ways:

  1. You need an electronic device to enable and participate in the learning process.
  2. This device must be able to display all the content, including multimedia-based learning material or interactive learning tools.

We asked ourselves which devices the learners use, and we got an interesting result: the most frequently used device is a laptop.

At the beginning of our small study (n = 55, no specification of those surveyed), we thought that tablets would play a major role. To everyone’s surprise, this should not be the case.

Here is the statistic evaluation:

Laptop 38%
Smartphone 18%
Smartphone & other devices 9%
Desktop PC 21%
Tablet 9%
Chromebook 5%
Overview table of the numeric results of the survey (n = 55)
Graphic overview of the feedback from learners


Learners use “Multiple <Devices”, this is the entity of all possible devices. If you are not common with the term “Multiple Devices” you may read here about the meaning (Blog Post Multiple Devices)!

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