Multimedia & Interactivity in Blended Learning

This course focuses on the creation and the use of multimedia-based material in blended learning courses. This material can be used in the Onsite teaching phase as well in the distance learning. The frame conditions are:

  • Learning platform: Moodle 3.x
  • Target group
    • School teachers
    • Trainers in Vocational Eucation and Training (VET) or Adult Education (AE)
  • Pre-knowledge
    • Basic knowledge in Moodle
    • Use of competences in planning and ceating courses
    • Basic digital competences in content creation (word processing, working with images)

The course is an InService Training course and can be granted from the ERASMUS+ KA1 Programme. The course is organized as a blended learning course with a preparation phase (to bring all participants to the same basic level) and the onsite training with practical and group-based work.

Content and activity description

The course as a blended learning training itself uses multimedia-based and interactive elements as an example of best practice.

  • Basics in content creation
  • Implementation of a course in Moodle
  • Creation of multimedia-based presentations and material
    • for onsite teaching
    • for the use in distance learning
  • Quality concepts
  • Pedagogical and training related tools and considerations

The course transferes knowledge from various European projects to the learners.


As trainers Stefanie Mayrwöger. Peter Mazohl and Harald Makl will perform the training in the distance learning phase and in the onsite teaching.

Stefanie Mayrwöger holds a Bachelor in media creation and is a specialist in multimedia-based content creation.

Harald Makl holds several master degrees (pedagogy, history of arts, school development) and is a media expert.

Peter Mazohl holds master degrees in science and is educated in ICT. He published several books and papers about moder and technology enhanced teaching and training.


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