Multimedia & Interactivity in Blended Learning

Multimedia & Interactivity in Blended Learning This course focuses on the creation and the use of multimedia-based material in blended learning courses. This material can be used in the Onsite teaching phase as well in the distance learning. The frame conditions are: Learning platform: Moodle 3.x Target group School teachers Trainers in Vocational Eucation and […]

TIBL-Project Presentation

TIBL – an innovative project presented at the CSEDU The CSEDU is the International Conference on Computer Supported Education (1) and is a meeting place for presenting and discussing new educational environments, best practices and case studies on innovative technology-based learning strategies, institutional policies on computer supported education. 2018, the conference took place in Funchal, Madeira and […]

Blended Learning in VET

Blended learning is a well-established teaching and learning approach – but not in all educational fields. In school education (in the USA) approx 50 % of the K12 learners are currently taught with blended learning. At universities, blended learning is well used. In adult education, blended learning does not play a so important role. Here […]

Technology Enhanced Teaching

Technology Enhanced Teaching Technology enhanced learning is a non-precisely defined term. In some context, it is used as a synonym for eLearning, in other context it refers to technology enhanced classrooms and means “learning with technology”. Many articles and books have been written to this topic. Today technology in the classroom has become reality. Flexible […]