Twice a year, the board of the EFQBL organizes a Symposium. This event aims to plan the activities for the upcoming year. Additionally, the future steps of participation in new projects is an issue, as well as developing ideas for new projects. In consequence, the participants use the event to evaluate current projects, as well as to discuss the cooperation situation with the various partners.

Special location

The board selected a specific location for this symposium – the Agritourism Rechsteiner in Upper Italy. There is a simple reason for this choice: This hospitable house is completely isolated in the middle of vineyards. The silence of nature enables efficiently done brainstorming and supports the timely implementation of the planned work. Finally, these great conditions support the designing of great solutions as well as bring the open issues to success under special conditions. 

Future development of the EFQBL

In this paragraph, you will find the major findings and decisions of the Symposium. In the future, the EFQBL will change from the current structure and the given focus. 

  • Firstly, the foundation will dissolve its youth department and will not seek any further projects directly involving young people.
  • The foundation will intensify the cooperation with partners from recent projects
  • In the field of Youth, the foundation will focus on youth trainers. This includes further cooperation with youth organisations with a focus on trainers, and EFQBL is interested in partnerships in both KA 1 and KA 2 programs. 
  • The future focus (in the field of partnerships) will be technics, technical solutions, and education programs for adults (and all kinds of trainers) in the field of technology. In detail, this will address
    • The use of Multiple Devices (read more here)
    • The (technical) delivery of training material
    • Development of game-based training
    • Other technical-related issues and contents in the frame of training.
  • Other target aims are the development of multimedia-based and interactive training content (under various environments and pre-conditions), for instance.
  • The EFQBL will intensify the activities in the frame of Flipped Learning 3.0. In consequence, this framework will also be a topic of future youth trainer courses.

Use of project outcomes

The EFQBL was a partner in several ERASMUS+ projects with excellent outcomes. One of these is the DISK Project (“Digital Immigrants Survival Kit”). The Foundation will build on it and use the specific knowledge, experience, and technical expertise in future projects with future partners.

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